Introduction to Capstone Project SKE

The Capstone Project, course code SKEE/SKEL 4723, provides students with the opportunity to integrate technical knowledge and generic skills attained in the earlier years. This is to be achieved within the context of an engineering project conducted in a small team of four students under the supervision of an academic staff and with optional of industry partner, as the advisor. Topics supplementing this course that include project management tools and practices, organizational structures, engineering standards as well as the social and environmental responsibility of professional engineers are covered in the Professional Ethics and/or Engineering Management courses offered prior to or concurrent with the course. Capstone Project is a major component of any engineering curriculum that showcase of knowledge and skills acquired over the years of studies, design a product/service of significance, and solve an open-ended problem in electrical engineering and it satisfies the mandatory curriculum requirement by Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC).

Learning Outcomes

Project Attributes

Project Implementation 

There will be 3 meetings (2 days/meeting) with the total meeting hour of 42 hours same as the full-time students in Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM Johor Bahru. Students are compulsorily required to attend all the meetings.

Group Selection 

One group MUST be formed with 4 students

Course Coordinator

Ts. Dr. Suhana Mohamed Sultan

P19a, 05-02-02

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

UTM Johor Bahru, Johor


Tel: 012-2002057